Tell-Tale Crack Monitoring Standard Gauge

by Hudsons
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£8.95 excl VAT
£10.74 inc VAT
SKU Tell-Tale Standard
  • Industry standard Tell-Tale crack monitoring gauge provides monitoring for both horizontal and vertical movement across a crack on a flat surface.
  • Features a precision silk screened grid, detailing both positive and negative graduations to an accuracy of +/- 1.0mm and by interpolation to +/-0.5mm.
  • A fine red crosshair allows for accurate estimation.
  • Crack recording sheets are supplied with each unit to allow accurate recording of movement over a period of time.
  • Fixing In Place The Tell-Tale is fixed across the crack using screws and/or adhesive. Ensure the red line is centred in the grid. As the crack opens, or closes, the cursor moves relative to the calibration scale. The opening or closing of the crack is then recorded on the crack record sheet supplied.

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